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Difference Between Transcription and Translation in Language

Transcription vs Translation in Language

Even though the words transcription and translation sound almost the same, these should not be confused as similar activities as there is a difference between them. Both activities relate to language but are different. First, let us define the two words. Transcription can be defined as the conversion of something into a written form. On the other hand, translation can be defined as the expression in another language. The key difference between the two is that while in transcription a single language is used in translation, two or more languages are used. When transcribing information, the individual only transforms one version to another, but this is always confined to a single language. However, in translation, the individual transforms the account that has been compiled in one language to another. Let us look into both activities in more detail, and thereby, clearly understand the difference between transcription and translation.

What is Transcription?

Transcription can be defined as the conversion of something into a written form. The act of transcription is referred to as transcribing. A person who transcribes is known as a transcriptionist. Transcription is used in many instances. For example, when the documentation or account provided by one party cannot be comprehended by the other, it is transcribed so that it suits the second party.

In research, transcription is one of the key processes prior to data analysis. In a research setting, the researcher uses different techniques for data collection such as surveys, interviews, observation, etc. Even though through surveys he gets written answers, through interviews the information that he gathers is mostly in the form of recorded data. In this sense, it is vital for the researcher to transcribe the data before commencing his analysis. In order to accomplish this, the writer takes the recorded data into a written version, this is referred to as transcription in research.

What is Translation?

Translation can be defined as the expression in another language. Unlike in transcription that requires only a single language, for translation more than one language is necessary. Translation can take place from one language to another for example from English to French, French to German, Chinese to English, etc. A person who translates is known as a translator. Translation can occur in various settings. For example, in diplomatic tours to different countries, government officials usually take translators with them. In international conferences as well, translation takes place. Other than that, in media and in foreign agencies, translation occurs on a daily basis.

However, unlike transcription, translation can be a bit tricky and even complex because the translator has to be aware of the colloquial expressions and the moods of the speaker in order to be accurate in his translation. This applies both to spoken and written translations.

What is the difference between Transcription and Translation in Language?

• Definitions Transcription and Translation:

• Transcription can be defined as the conversion of something into a written form.

• Translation can be defined as the expression in another language.

• Language:

• Transcription centers on a single language.

• Translation requires two or more languages.

• Form:

• Transcription usually takes a written form.

• Translation can be in both spoken and written forms.

• Nature:

• Transcription is not tricky in nature.

• Translation can be tricky as the translator needs to be aware of the exact expressions.


Images Courtesy:

  1. Transcription by Dave Dugdale (CC BY-SA 2.0)
  2. Translation by Brbbl (CC BY-SA 3.0)