Type A vs Type B Personality
It is quite easy to identify the difference between Type A and Type B personalities from their characteristics. In Psychology, based on the personality, people are distinguished into different types. Type A and Type B personality belong to such a typology. This typology first came up through the study of the cardiologists Meyer Friedman and R.H Rosenham in the 1950s. However, this was first used in relation to heart diseases. Through the theory, Friedman and Rosenham pointed out that the emotional and behavioral capacities are linked to heart diseases. They found out that people with Type A personality have a greater risk of being diagnosed with heart diseases than those with Type B personality. Through this article let us examine the difference between the two personality types.
What is a Type A Personality?
An individual who has a type A personality can be understood as someone who is very competitive and hard working. Such an individual experiences a higher stress level, because of impatience and the constant need for competition. Goal achievement plays a key role in the lives of Type A personalities. This is because Type As is very hard workers who would work as hard as they possibly could to achieve their target. They enjoy the rush of achieving but are sore losers. At the face of defeat, they are very easily devastated and work hard to prevent this. However, even after achieving a specific goal, type A personalities are not satisfied but wish to achieve more. This prevents them from enjoying the achievement and pushes them for more. This is why individuals with Type A personalities are constantly feeling the pressure of deadlines and are working at all times. Type As often enjoy multitasking, rather than concentrating on a single activity at a time. However, this sense of urgency, competition, and even aggression cannot be seen in those with a Type B personality.
What is a Type B Personality?
Type B personality can be understood as more relaxed and easy going. Unlike Type As, those who have Type B personalities enjoy a lower stress level mainly due to their approach to life. Type Bs enjoys their achievements but do not feel extremely stressed at the face of defeat. They do not particularly enjoy creating competition with others and are non-aggressive and more tolerant of others. Type B personality is much more creative and reflective as well. They enjoy life and do not feel pressured.
What is the difference between Type A and Type B Personality?
• Definitions of Type A and Type B Personality:
• An individual who has a type A personality can be understood as someone who is very competitive and hard working.
• Type B personality can be understood as more relaxed and easy going.
• Stress Level:
• Those with Type A personality have a higher stress level.
• Those with Type B personality do not have a higher stress level.
• Competitive Nature:
• Type A is more competitive than Type B.
• Failing:
• Type A does not like to fail at tasks.
• Type B is not affected by failures.
• Time Constraints:
• Type A always feels pressured due to time constraints.
• Type B does not feel pressured due to time constraints.
• Aggressive Nature:
• Type A can easily become aggressive.
• Type B does not become aggressive.
Images Courtesy:
- Data entry clerk via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
- Smiling employee by Jakob Montrasio (CC BY 2.0)
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