The key difference between scientific and non-scientific research is that scientific research can be repeated several times using the same methods and data, whereas non-scientific research cannot be repeated since it uses intuition, personal experience, and personal beliefs.
Both scientific and non-scientific research studies vary from one another in their methods. Basically, scientific research uses a logical process in conducting the research, whereas non-scientific research uses techniques and strategies that do not contain a scientific base in acquiring knowledge.
1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Scientific Research
3. What is Non-Scientific Research
4. Scientific vs Non-Scientific Research in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Scientific vs Non-Scientific Research
What is Scientific Research?
Scientific research refers to research that collects data using systemic methods and strategies. There is a scientific and systemic basis in the collection of data, interpretation, and evaluation of data. When conducting scientific research, the researcher should plan the research and specify the methodology. According to the techniques used in data collection, scientific research can be classified into different categories as observational and experimental.
Scientific research operates at two levels. One level is the theoretical level, and the other is the empirical level. At the theoretical level, concepts are developed, especially concepts related to social and natural phenomena. At the empirical level, theoretical concepts and relationships are tested. There are two forms of scientific research: inductive and deductive. This depends on the researcher’s training and interest. In inductive research, the researcher gathers theoretical concepts from observed data, while in deductive research, the researcher tests concepts and patterns of the theory using new empirical data.
What is Non-Scientific Research?
Non-scientific research is research conducted without any systematic methods and scientific basis. In non-scientific research, intuition, personal experience, and personal beliefs are used as techniques to reach a conclusion. Thus, conclusions in non-scientific research are basically based on personal thinking and presumption.
In non-scientific research, logical and systematics methods are not used in analyzing data. Non-scientific research simply gives a solution for a certain problem. It does not focus on other activities or recommendations for that particular problem. Moreover, it does not use a logical or organized procedure to form the conclusion.
What is the Difference Between Scientific and Non-Scientific Research?
Although both scientific and non-scientific research are used in collecting data, they follow different methods and procedures. The key difference between scientific and non-scientific research is that scientific research can be repeated several times using the same methods and data, whereas non-scientific research cannot be repeated since it uses intuition, personal experience, and personal beliefs.
Moreover, in scientific research, data is collected using different techniques such as observation, formulation, and testing hypotheses. On the other hand, in non-scientific research, data collection only uses observation. Besides, scientific research follows a logical and systematic process in arriving at a conclusion but, in non-scientific research, only the beliefs and expectations of people are considered in arriving at a conclusion. Furthermore, non-scientific research does not follow any logical, scientific, or systematic method. Thus, this is another major difference between scientific and non-scientific research. In addition, scientific research is objective, while non-scientific research is subjective.
Below is a summary of the difference between scientific and non-scientific research in tabular form for side by side comparison.
Summary – Scientific vs Non-scientific Research
Scientific research uses a logical process in conducting the research and formulating the conclusion, whereas non-scientific research uses techniques and strategies that are not based on the scientific method in acquiring knowledge and arriving at a conclusion. The key difference between scientific and non-scientific research is that scientific research can be repeated several times using the same methods and data, whereas non-scientific research cannot be repeated since it uses intuition, personal experience, and personal beliefs.
1. Cheprasov, Adam. “What is Scientific Research?”
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1. “Research-letters-scrabble-words” (CC0) via Pixabay
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