Creation vs Creationism
Creation and creationism are two important concepts that are related with the origin of life and human beings in particular. All along, there had been a fiery debate between the proponents of two opposing theories. There are people who remain confused between the two beliefs and cannot differentiate between creation and creationism. This article attempts to highlight the features of both to let readers differentiate between them.
Despite evidence that contradicts their theory about the origin of earth and mankind, the proponents of creation say that God is the only creator and that the origin of everything can be traced back to Bible. The proponents of creation theory are not restricted to Christianity. Followers of Islam and Judaism also believe that the earth and all living beings have been created by God alone for the purpose of design and creation. Creation theory does not stand to scientific scrutiny as it is based upon faith and belief. Though it cannot be proved, there is no way even scientists can deny it in an outright manner. There are no processes involved in this theory, and is characterized by the belief that everything has been as it is today since the time it came into existence.
Creationism is a theory of the origin of earth that is scientific in nature and closely follows what Charles Darwin proposed as the theory of the fittest and the theory of evolution. While creation tells us that the sun, moon, and the stars were created by God on day 4 of the six day account, creationism believes in relative ages of the earth, sun, and moon. Earth is believed to be created by God before the sun and moon, but this does not seem plausible as there would not have been day and night without the sun.
What is the difference between Creation and Creationism? • Creationism is full of logic and sequential happenings and able to explain the evolution of man from lower primates. Creation theory believes man was there all the time, and there is no question of man evolving from monkeys. • Creation theory has no beginning, and there are no processes involved. Only God is believed as the creator of everything, and that all living beings have always been as they are today. • Creationism is scientific and logical and follows Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. • There is no way to put creation theory under scientific scrutiny.
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