Intercourse vs Conception
Sexual intercourse is an act by a male and a female, when they are sexually excited. During sexual intercourse, the ejaculate from penis will be deposited to female vagina provided no condoms used or coitus interuptus ( withdrawing the penis and ejaculate out side of the body) is practiced. Intercourse among couple is essential to keep the relationship in harmony. Medical scientists have proved that sexual intercourse is a good exercise which keeps the body in order. Sexual intercourse with the children (legally not consented) will be considered as rape and this is a criminal offence. The age limit for giving legal consent differ from country to country. Sexual intercourse with out consent/ willingness of the partner will be treated as rape, even with in the married couple. This clearly shows the consent of the partner is essential to have a sexual intercourse. Bonding and affection will be increased with sexual intercourse. The act can be stimulated with arousal mood. The odor, vision, touch and environment will play a role in initiation of this act. Male with erectile dysfunction will suffer with the failure to penetrate. The premature ejaculation may results with less pleasure or mental satisfaction. If female has vaginismus (vaginal spasm) or chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases, the sexual intercourse may end up in failure or dissatisfaction.
Sexual intercourse with an unknown partner or STD patient will results in STDs (sexually transmitted disease). AIDS can be spread easily with sexual intercourse than any other routes.
Conception is fertilization. It is the fusion of sperm and ovum (egg) that produces a fertilized ovum (embryo). In human the fertilization usually occurs at the fallopian tube. This will occur in fertile period of the menstrual cycle. The sperm gives 23 chromosomes (paternal) and the ovum provides 23 chromosomes (maternal), these combination will gives 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Fertilized ovum will moves towards the uterus. The cell will divide in to two, then two cell produces four, then eight. The embryo should be implanted into the uterine cavity to produce a normal pregnancy.
By using contraception methods, the intercourse can be protected from conception. Even with an unprotected sex (not using any contraception) the chances of conception is less as the fertile period of human menstrual cycles are narrow compared with the menstrual cycle.
The couple fails to conceive naturally, can seek the doctor’s help for assisted conception or artificial conception.
In brief: – Sexual intercourse is an act which may results in conception. – Not all the sexual intercourse ends up with conception. – Sexual intercourse is a key factor maintaining the wellbeing of the couple. – Conception usually occurs at uterine tubes (fallopian tubes). – Contraceptive methods can be used to prevent conception. – Conception occurs in fertile period. – Artificial methods are available for conception of the sub fertile couples.
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